World War II: The Hidden Enemy Legacy

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Children at War Many implications in the status quo is that there is always one person that is trying to get another. Human insecurities absolve the peace in what one may be doing. At this point many will try to take measures to ensure they can keep themselves safe and stay safe. But when does these securities begin to do more than ensure safety? Many aim to protect themselves and maintain that until the only death that concerns them is the death of aging. This survival tactic neglects a very specific aspect of the population, the children. There is evidence to decree that by bestowing these securities to a regions political leadership are causing serious detrimental effects. Primarily, the sources pinpoint the significant issues being in…show more content…
Children of World War II: The Hidden Enemy Legacy. The detail of this book identifies that even with children of different wellbeing in their childhoods had a similar identity crisis weighing on them. As they move forward it begins bringing attention to when children are placed in such scenarios. The source examines that, “. . . silence proved an ineffective strategy in this respect. Many children experienced abuse, stigmatization and rejection. Confusion and problems of identity might follow in the wake of secrecy” (Ericson 11). As they have been desensitized or do not truly feel that the image that they have become a part of, they will ultimately not know who they are or where the fit in. As this shows it leads to the psychological concerns, where he sources produced the majority of the weight. The Journal of the American Medical Association in 2009 released an article titled "Comparison Of Mental Health Between Former Child Soldiers And Children Never Conscripted By Armed Groups, which contributed a plethora of information rooting into what these effects could be “the lack of difference in anxiety symptoms suggests that anxiety may be a generalized response of children living through war and conflict regardless of their status as soldiers or civilians”(JAMA 8) The conclusions drawn raised some frequently addressed trauma and depression in both groups, but there were still distinctions. Children within the armed forces were diagnosed with a larger and more immense list of psychological issues. They indicate the nature that is changed within both children fighting and those who are in war stricken countries. One of the conclusive results from the data highlighted that child soldiers felt more culturally engaged, which resulted in more culturally disconnected with other groups. Another

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