Stanley Bender Legacy

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It is August 17th 1944 in the midst of one of the most violent wars ever fought. World War II is in full swing and the body counts on both sides are “in the hundreds of thousands”(War Chronicle). The Axis powers are in current occupation of France, and Allied forces are advancing to try to gain back the territory taken. In La Lande France was a Sergeant Stanley Bender fresh out of training unaware of the events he would partake in and ultimately change the tides of war in the France Theater. Stanley was a young fresh soldier new to war, but would ultimately end up going above and beyond to leave behind a ever lasting legacy and a leadership so strong even the Nazis were amazed. Although World War II was a horrific event and a very negative…show more content…
Many would think it to be the guys who are commanding all the troops or the ones who are giving orders on the battlefield, but in reality the true leaders are the ones that put themselves in the face of danger on purpose, knew the consequences they could be facing if things go wrong but still did it anyway because someone had to rise up and take control. Stanley Bender is a perfect example of a true leader during this time, though he was hidden by just being a sergeant he will end up being “a highly decorated and publicized hero of World War II”(LaTimes). Bender was just an Army grunt in the big picture of things who would have never been recognized, but since he was a leader in hiding once he got his chance he rose up to the occasion and showed many including the Nazis what a real leader looks like. Many would have never expected Bender though as he was so young when he got out of training but like any other true leader, his size, shape or appearance did not matter. What exactly could this young grunt have done to exemplify such a strong presence of leadership and legacy? Bender earned the highest honor one could obtain, The Medal of…show more content…
Stanley not only commanded soldiers to cover him and follow him, but they actually listened to him. Stanley was a very young man at the time, so if he did not do what he had done at the time no one would have listened to him until they were told to or he had aged in number and rank. Stanley represented true leadership that day as he took control of the situation where no one else would step up and do something about the situation they were in. Stanley was not a commander nor was he someone in charge of the battlefield but that very day he broke free of his hypothetical bonds and became the leader he truly was. Not once did someone question him or say anything about his age, rank, size or ideas, they all listened to leader Stanley Bender. Bender also proved himself as a true leader by responding to those who asked what he did to earn his Medal of Honor with “saying quietly he did what anyone else would have done under the circumstances”(CongressionalRecord140).True leadership was not the only thing Bender established that day through his decisive actions, he also established himself a legacy of never being

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