Women Sponsorship

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Sponsorship from someone in a higher-level management position is often the boost that both male and females need to be considered and ultimately promoted to managerial roles. A sponsor takes on an advocacy role to promote the person who they are sponsoring. Sponsorship is often done by bringing up the name of a subordinate and recommending them in management performance conferences where high potential candidates are discussed and their qualifications touted. In general, people tend to sponsor subordinates who look and act similarly to themselves. Though sponsorship can be very beneficial to career advancement, its occurrence is limited due to the small number of women in upper management positions. Mentoring is different type of work relationship that can help women develop the leadership skills necessary for advancement, rather than just one of being an advocate. In their article, Karsten, Brooke & Marr assert that mentors have a part in the success of…show more content…
Overall, women still comprise less than 50 percent of middle management positions. Rhee and Sigler report that women held 30 percent of management positions overall and the number of female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies was just 12 in 2008 (Rhee & Sigler, 2015, p. 110). Despite past predictions that the numbers of women in upper levels of management would increase, this has failed to materialize. Rhee & Sigler assert that this is due to women being viewed unfavorably for taking on the stereotypically male characteristics associated with leadership (Rhee & Sigler, 2015, p. 114). When women do not adopt and utilize the masculine characteristics associated with leadership, they are not taken as seriously as male leaders and are not shown as much respect. This obstacle is another form of indirect discrimination for women in

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