Why Is The Great Gatsby Perfect

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The Great Gatsby In the 1920s the Dream was happiness attained through power, money, and social status. While happiness could be found through other means, and often was, it did not hold the “Dream-like” qualities of happiness gained through wealth and power. F. Scott Fitzgerald takes a stance on this belief in his novel, The Great Gatsby. For a large part of the novel, the Dream as it was understood in the 1920s is supported; the happiest people in the novel are the rich and famous. However, in conclusion F. Scott Fitzgerald contradicts this idea, for wealth, power and status could not keep the characters with these things happy. Because of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s shift in the final pages of his novel The Great Gatsby from Jay Gatsby’s life being “perfect” due to his wealth, to the somber end of his life with nothing but money…show more content…
The cliché American Dream arguably began in the 1920s. Often overshadowed by events such as Prohibition and the gangsters who accompanied it, the Jazz Age, and the rise of the Klu Klux Klan, the `20s saw an economic boost which gave the United States strength. In this time period, the economy was boosted by the spending of men returning from World War I and the spending of the workers who manufactured war supplies. Also, American markets began to take the place of European markets, leading to more capital entering the United States. The economic boom of the `20s is what led to the idea of an American Dream. People with enough money to be able to afford the things they needed looked to buy more, and have more money. Some of the population having more money than the rest created many socioeconomic classes, more than ever before. In The Great Gatsby, economic (and therefore social) class is what creates character dynamics. Being in a higher was very important to the
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