Queen Elizabeth's Monopolization Of The British East India Company

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On December 31st, 1600 Queen Elizabeth I signed into motion a charter for the East India Company. This allowed for monopolization of all trade done from Europe to the East Indies. Prior to the declaration of the royal decree, France, The Netherlands, Spain and Portugal had already begun trading with their own versions of the East India Company so in an effort to remove the competition- the East India Company on behalf of England was created. The East India Company, rather the British East India Company, was set to only have a life span of 15 years. It was able to increase its time limit by consistently drawing up charters with other merchants. This allowed them to get an extension for another 20 years as well as the ability to obtain a…show more content…
Queen Elizabeth created the first official joint-stock corporation through the BEIC, which essentially allows investors to receive shares and dividends based on their initial investments. In addition, she also created the world’s first limited liability corporation or LLC, which protects the investor from losing any more money than the amount they first invested in. The British East India Company’s undertaking exposed an important relationship by bringing Mughal India and the entire surrounding areas into the world trading market while also making England a juggernaut in the developing capitalist…show more content…
They insisted that those that did not have a license from the company were not allowed to execute trades. In addition, they asserted that unauthorized traders were liable to forfeiture of ships and merchandise. “…Unless it be by and with such license and agreement of the said Governor and Company of Merchants of London, trading into the East Indies, in writing first had and obtained under their common seal to be granted…shall incur our indignation and the forfeiture and loss of the goods, merchandizes, and other things…” Since the British had the monopolization, other traders would come to them to draw up new charters and then eventually combine with them, therefore extending the EIC branch even further, longer and for more money. On the other end, because the Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch were jealous about their opportunities removed from them, The British were unable to trade in one of the only remaining spots they had control of in the Indian Ocean, dubbed the Dutch East

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