Why Is Nick Important In The Great Gatsby

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Although readers of The Great Gatsby can agree that Nick is an important and a respectable character of the story, he does not accurately inform us about the scenarios in the novel. After reading the story for a while, we the readers realize that he, like all people, tells the stories and the events in a skewed fashion. Even though he appears to be honest, well-mannered, and decent man, he can still develop biases toward everything in the story. This becomes clearer when we examine some key passages within the novel and understands. The narrator, Nick, does an excellent job of describing people, scenery, and events throughout the early chapters of the book. However, through his description, he injects personal opinions and biased views into the story and assists us in forming perspectives. A clear example of this bias can be found when Nick describes Gatsby. “…because just as it began my eyes fell on Gatsby, standing alone on the marble steps and looking from one group to another with approving eyes. His tanned skin was drawn attractively tight on his face and his short hair looked as though it were trimmed every day. I could see nothing sinister about him” (Fitzgerald 50). With…show more content…
In the first chapter of the book, we realize that Tom has an affair with another lady in New York. After the presentation of this information, we might feel sorry for poor Miss Buchanan. However, as the story progresses, Jordan tells us that Daisy was also a playful and flirty girl in her youth. If the revelation of this information came earlier, the opinions formulated about Daisy might change significantly. While her past should not change our thoughts toward Tom, it does give an important insight. Her mysterious youth she might have some dark secrets. If we learned that Daisy’s old lover still pursued her, then some of us might feel less sorry about the predicament within the Buchanan
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