The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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Liam started off the discussion by asking a very important question: What is Gatsby’s goal? Wealh or the American dream? Directly afterward Bailey gives us the idea of wealth being the American dream and Daisy representing wealth to Gatsby. He might look wealthy but has yet to reach the American dream because he’s without Daisy. Kimmy further explains by saying because Daisy represents wealth, Gatsby isn’t fulfilled because wealth comes before reaching the American dream. Kyrie say that Daisy is actually his emotional wealth, not material wealth, but something more. Gatsby truly loves Daisy and without her he’ll always lack something. Liam concludes that because the American dream equals wealth, and Daisy represents wealth, Daisy is the completion…show more content…
The Great Gatsby emphasises on the idea of “the American dream”: the thought that someone from any walk of life could make it big in America. However, love is just as big of a part of this story as the American dream is. As we said in our discussion, Daisy represents wealth to Gatsby, which is a very big part of achieving his American dream. At one point in the book Gatsby describes Daisy’s voice as being “made of money” (120). From this it’s seen that to Gatsby Daisy is everything wealthy. Although Gatsby has accumulated his wealth he feels unfulfilled because he’s without his love, Daisy. She has always been rich and pampered which is the exact opposite of Gatsby. He was born without the privilege that Daisy had, with parents that were”shiftless and unsuccessful farm people” (98). We’re told that because of this he “invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen-year-old boy would...and to this conception he was faithful to the end” (98). Essentially, Gastby can be seen as still having that childlike mindset, with the dream of a kid. To love Daisy and have Daisy love him back would be the ultimatum to his American dream. With a girl whose voice reminded you of “a white palace” (120) and “the king’s daughter, the golden girl…” (120) on his arm Gatsby would have fully reached his American dream. This is why Gatsby uses his wealth to throw extravagant parties on the off chance that Daisy might “wander
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