Why Is Huck Finn Wrong

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In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain portrays Huck as a venturesome young boy who undergoes many daring and life-threatening adventures as he heads down the Mississippi River with an impromptu companion, Miss Watson’s runaway slave, Jim. Throughout the novel, Huck develops a sense of compassion for Jim, whereas most others in the society would not. Society tries to teach Huck what to wear, how to act, and what actions are morally incorrect. Huck gradually turns away from this general consensus of what is thought to be right and starts to form his own opinion on controversial matters, such as Jim’s freedom from slavery. He constantly has to make decisions between what he himself thinks is right, and what society claims to be right.…show more content…
Huck constantly has moral struggles between what is right and wrong. In chapter seven, Huck decides to run away from Pap and civilization as a whole. Most people of the time would dictate that staying with your father despite his actions is the right thing to do. Huck, however, thinks running away is the better choice versus staying in the path of Pap’s wrath, so he decides to run away from Pap and society as a whole and venture out on his own. He says, “They won’t ever hunt the river for anything but my dead carcass. They’ll soon get tired of that, and won’t bother no more about me. All right; I can stop anywhere I want to” (28). In chapter sixteen, Huck is shocked at what Jim tells him he is going to do once he is free and has enough money. When he is asked by slave hunters who is on the raft, Huck nearly confesses that a runaway slave is on it, but the words could not come out of his mouth. This shows that being around Jim has affected Huck, in that he has a growing compassion for Jim. Huck says, “I didn’t answer up prompt. I tried to, but the words wouldn’t come. I tried for a second or two to brace up and out with it, but I warn’t man enough—hadn’t the spunk of a rabbit. I see I was weakening; so I just give up trying, and up and says: He’s white” (72). Instead, he tells the men that there is a sick family on the raft. Here, Huck’s conscience gets the better of him. Huck feels bad about not confessing at first, but he comes to the conclusion that he would have felt just as bad if he had told. This is a major point in the theme because from this point on, Huck decides to disregard morality. In chapter eight, Jim and Huck tell each other how they ended up on Jackson Island. When Jim tells Huck that he ran away, Huck is astonished. Jim pleads Huck not to tell. Finn replies, “I said I wouldn’t, and I’ll stick to it. Honest Injun,
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