Why Is Huck Finn Morally Wrong

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It is difficult for anyone to deviate from society’s rules. An old proverb once written, “what is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular.” In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck clashes against society’s rules. During the 1800’s, the issue of maltreated slaves was common in the south. Missouri, a slave state, is where the story begins. Huck has to deal with his conscience when he comes in contact with robbers, slave hunters, and even God. Most people agree that stealing and killing is morally wrong. During the wreck of Walter Scott, Huck and Jim found out there were three thieves stealing valuables. Two of the robbers decided that one might snitch on them. Their solution: let him drown. Since Jim found out that their raft was gone, they took the robber’s skiff instead. Huck saw the wreckage and thought, “ She was very deep, and I see in a minute there warn’t much chance for anybody being alive in her…” (Twain 368) It was “dead still” and Huck felt “a little bit heavy-hearted” (Twain 386) towards the gang. He felt guilty for letting them drown and possibly left them for dead. Huck is human and he does care for human beings regardless of race.…show more content…
Slaves can be sold and bought. Some, unfortunately, are treated less than dogs. Usually, harsh treatments lead to slaves running away. To combat this, slave hunters patrol the rivers, woods, and cities to retrieve runaway slaves. During the river ride to Cairo, Huck and Jim encountered slave hunters. Huck had a chance to turn Jim in and get rid of the guilt stored inside him. He hesitated, which increased his guilt, and “tried to, but the words won’t come.” (Twain 384) Huck created a lie to protect Jim, which increased his guilt. The Hunters believed and replied, “your pap’s got the smallpox.” (Twain 385) Huck kept losing to society’s rules. He thought that he was evil and deserves to go to
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