Throughout “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” Twain demonstrates the value of intellectual knowledge through the characterization and dialogue of Pap. However, Twain also comments on the corrupt moral values that education teaches. This is shown through the symbolism of Miss Watson as well as the irony of her going to ‘the good place.’ By commenting on these conflicting aspects of education, Twain is telling the reader to continue learning, but always be aware of the unintentional information
Written by Samuel L. Clemmons under the alias of Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is a tale of two runaways and the adventures they will encounter. In the mix of it all, Jim, a runaway slave, plays a crucial role in plot momentum and development. Artists have since attempted to recreate their renditions of what Jim might have looked like. The following commentary will be an analysis of the similarities and differences between selected illustrations and the novel. The illustration of