Why I Want To Be An Engineer

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I will never dream about success I will always work for it. As the only child in the family I comprehended that I have a gigantic responsibility from an exceptionally youthful age. My parents sent me to one of the best schools in the nation with the intention that I should obtain the best education conceivable. When I was in elementary school I needed to wind up a scientist. At whatever point I found the opportunity to investigate or create new things by removing electrical equipments I didn’t hesitate. As a curious child the interest towards science expanded step by step, however the desire to end up a scientist began to take a turn towards engineering. The utmost reason for me to move towards engineering field was because of my father. He had taken after CIE London Engineering course and he had finished the first piece of it effectively and had all the capacity of an…show more content…
By taking a gander at how he handles issues in day today life I likewise needed to handle issues in a comparative manner. My interest in engineering expanded after watching the television series called “Prison Break”. The intelligence and the ability of taking decisions of an engineer became breathtaking through the main character that played as an engineer. These few reasons resulted the beginning of my Engineering dream. Even though English is my second language, didn’t stop me from learning in English medium from grade six and passing GCE O/L and GCE A/Ls as well. Having been the case that my mom likes Biology she knew I had my heart in engineering. There are stack of private colleges in Sri Lanka where I can do my degree yet they are not perceived much. In this way my parents recommended me of taking after an engineering degree in overseas. I picked America as a result of the level of training and the enormous opportunities that is being furnished with world acknowledgment and
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