Why Augustus Was The Most Successful Roman Emperor?

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“I have found Rome of clay; I leave it to you of marble.” These were Augustus’s last words. Augustus was born Gaius Octavius on September 23 63 B.C. in Rome. Augustus’s father was a senator and governor in the Roman republic. Augustus was the nephew of Julias Caesar and then later became his heir. He was a teenager and was in Apollenia (modern-day Albania) when his uncle was murdered. Augustus was named Octavian before 27 B.C. He was the first and most powerful Roman emperor. Augustus was the most successful Roman emperor because he restored Roman peace, won many battles and expanded the Roman Empire. The first reason that Augustus was the most successful Roman emperor is because he restored Roman peace. Before, a civil war happened in Rome after…show more content…
At the Battle of Philippi, Augustus, along with Mark Antony and Marcus Lepidus, defeated Brutus and Cassius, who were responsible for the assassination of Julias Caesar. Brutus and Cassius were forced to commit suicide. Augustus and Lepidus fought Sextus Pompeius, the son of Julias Caesar’s rival, Pompey Magnus, between 38 and 36 B.C. They defeated Sextus Pompieus. After the victory, Lepidus wanted to Augustus to leave Sicily. Augustus even offered money to Lepidus’s troops, but his troops denied it. Later his alliance with Lepidus ended. At the same time, his alliance with Mark Antony began to decline. Before Antony allied with queen Cleopatra of Egypt and had relations with her, he was married to Augustus’s sister, Octavia. Augustus thought that Antony miss-used Octavia. Augustus attacked Cleopatra and Antony before they could strike Rome. He defeated the troops of both Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 B.C. The Battle at Actium destroyed much of the Egyptian fleet. After the loss, Anthony and Cleopatra were forced to commit suicide. Augustus executed Anthony’s eldest son to avoid possible threats to

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