Women In Football Essay

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Women have been fighting for equal rights for years; however, the progress toward this goal has been slow and steady. In the eyes of society, it is an abomination for a woman to equal a man. Women face sexism on a daily basis and often judged by the attire they choose to wear, the way they conduct themselves in public, or even by their speech. Although women are demanding their social rights, they still do not receive the recognition that the men acquire on the professional level. The difference in recognition is abundantly clear in sports. Men have dominated sports for some time, and they perceived that women are not into sports as their justification. Now, women have taken on the game of football, but they lack support compared to men. This…show more content…
This method is to ensure recognition for the women and all they do within and outside the organization. However, there are issues that still arise for the women in football. Issues Women Face in Football In the world of men’s football, all eyes are on them; however, the women are still praying to get viewed. The men are at the professional level while the women’s tackle football is a dream waiting to happen. There are many women’s tackle football leagues (Legends Football League, Women’s Professional Football League, Women’s Football Alliance, etc), but they are considered amateur. Women pay so much money to play for free. The organizations alone are non-profit so they are not getting paid to play; however, they look at it as a great hobby. When playing, they have to include expense of travel, meals, medical bills or a place to stay. These organizations pay to rent the fields and must have health insurance to play, which is another expense. The teams do as much as they can to raise money, but sometimes that can fall short. They set out for sponsorships, hold fundraisers, and sell tickets for finance. The teams and their players do what they can to raise money, but how can they raise money without anyone aware of them in their local

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