Forum: The Roman Forum

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Introduction Foro (Forum) was the name that the Romans gave to the central square of the urban settlement. The Roman Forum is one of the most visited sights in the world today and was the political, administrative, civic and religious center of Ancient Rome. Located at the heart of Rome between the Palatine, Capitol and Esquiline hills in an area that was once a marshland, the Forum was built in the early Roman period and remained in use even after the city’s eventual decline; during that time span the Forum witnessed the growth and eventual contraction of the city and her empire. The archaeological remains of the Forum Romanum itself continues to provide important insights into the phases and processes associated with urbanism and monumentality…show more content…
It contains the Senate in a building known as the Curia and the palaces of the early kings of Rome. The Forum was also the central marketplace and civic center of the city. In addition, the Roman Forum served as the religious epicenter for the Empire, housing a number of important temples dedicated to various Roman gods. Some of these temples were later converted into churches and remains in fairly good condition. Successful military commanders had triumphs which also took place at the Roman Forum. In short, the Roman Forum was the center of Ancient Rome. Here is a map of the Roman Forum that shows the buildings and other important sites that the Forum contains. The map is included to show more clearly what the Forum is. The Coliseum is not part of the Roman Forum; it lies just beyond the edge of the…show more content…
With the prosperity of the empire, all the reflection of the city, religious and political life of the buildings began to accumulate in the square. Noble houses, shops, shrines and markets compete for space, businessmen, politicians and emperors are scrambling to build more spectacular monuments in this area than ever before. The rulers of the past ordered the construction of temples, palaces, conference venues, and government agencies. In the imperial period, there were many specialties and large scale, and the stone was fine and very spectacular. There were shops and stalls on the square. It is the center of political, economic, cultural, religious, commercial and public activities. The Senate was also built in the Roman Forum, it represents the entire Roman Republic, as the highest authority of Rome's People's Assembly and assemblies are held in the Roman Forum twice a year. Problems arose gradually as the city itself went into decline (some might say eclipse). In the second century, the chaos arose with the buildings constructed along the natural trajectory, mainly because all the space was occupied. Although the center of political power turned to the Palatine Hill, the business center turned to the Trajan market, the new building turned to the Empire

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