Who Is The Monster Selfish In Frankenstein

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Monstrous Push In the autobiography A Child Called “It” by Dave Pelzer, he writes about his childhood in which he suffers abuse in horrific manners by his mother, both physically and mentally. He is beaten incessantly and undergoes torture on a daily basis until he arrives at the point where he hates everything, his parents, his siblings, and even himself. He easily could choose to retain that pent up anger and become a monster himself or he could go against the societal influence and choose another road to travel down. Society does not create monsters, however, it sharpens and provides the tools for an individual's ultimate self-destruction. Even in a negative environment, everyone has a choice on which path they will traverse in life, some are just pushed in a darker direction than others.…show more content…
Babies and small children learn to mimic their surroundings so they can fit into society. They are a mirror of sorts, if a child has a poor home environment at a young age where they are subject to insults or physical abuse then they may learn to think that this is normal and grow to lash out on others with these kinds of things which becomes a vicious cycle. In Frankenstein, Frankenstein’s monster starts out entirely innocent and curious about the world he lives in. He essentially is a child until the middle of this story in the respect that he does not know how to even speak until he watches and analyzes language. Afterwards, he “cannot describe the delight [he] when [he] learned the ideas appropriated to each of these sounds, and was able to pronounce them” (Shelley
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