Science And Knowledge In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the question of whether or not science and knowledge can corrupt with its selfish nature is evident. It poses the question of whose interest's lie at the heart of all scientists, is it the discovery of something new and the knowledge that accompanies it or the creation itself. Victor Frankenstein turns his life into shambles with this obsession of having the ability to create life from the dead, he desired something no one else dared to attempt. This creature, Victor created, turned from a scientific experiment into a monster, disrupting his entire universe creating an alternate future for himself. In Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, there are parallels that can be drawn between modern society and the hazards in the impersonal relationship that correlates in science between scientists and their…show more content…
These effects also parallel to those in gene therapy and its treatment. Firstly, Victor never stopped to consider the consequences of creating a monster, like Frankenstein, and gene therapy companies don't take the threat of complications seriously enough. Secondly, when a scientist is able to use something that has already been predetermined as a waste like a corpse or a virus and transforms it into a discovery that has the effect of creating life or a cure. Finally, ideas such as Frankenstein and gene therapy can at a great cost, and they need to be prepared to pay. Firstly, when one does not take some things seriously enough or stop to consider the consequences of their actions, it could lead to lamentable results. In Victor Frankenstein's situation, he was more interested in the scientific knowledge and to prove a theory of his that he indeed could create life, not thinking about the effects this creation. When Victor was creating the creature he describes him physically as so unsightly that it would cause

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