What Is Toyota's Case Study

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Toyota is a worldwide multinational corporation that shares and/or export their productions to numerous countries that needs them. In 2002, Toyota has achieved market demands from over 140 countries, such as Japan, Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Canada, Indonesia, Poland and many more. Toyota started their business at North America in Canada at 1983 by selling aluminum wheel plant. Years after, with six major assembly plants in Huntsville, Alabama, Georgetown, Kentucky, Princeton, Indiana, San Antonio, Texas, Buffalo, West Virginia, and Blue Springs, Mississippi, Toyota has created a huge presence in the United States. Under an official agreement in 1963, Toyota has started selling cars in Europe and has reached its peak in 2007 of 1.23 million…show more content…
But, Toyota had faced obstacles related to labors and unions, which they learn their lessons from it. Similar to everyone else, Toyota would make a one or two mistakes on a huge decision. Toyota did not make the correct decision that would lead a better future for them during the post-World War II Japan. Due to the difficult conditions for economic productions of post-World War II Japan, Toyota had been pushed to the brink of bankruptcy. To solve this obstacle, in April 1950, Toyota decided to reduce 1,600 staffs and a 10% wage cut to the Toyota Motor Worker’s Union. However, this action violated the contract which Toyota had signed with the union in the year before. One of the agreements on the contract was about no staff reduction, which led to a discussion between Toyota and the union that lasted around two months. After two months, the discussion had resulted that the union agreed to let Toyota reduce 1,500 staffs and 10% wage cut while they agreed to resign Toyota’s senior management from the president and down below. However, the conflict has not ended yet. Over the next three years, the union still brings several strikes to Toyota. Through those dangerous times of their company, “75 Year of Toyota” ‘s authors stated Toyota has learned “that [the employees and unions, and their selves] share the same fate, that they need to maintain in-depth communication with each other, and…show more content…
Unlike a majority of companies would do, Toyota focuses on the safety of their environment. Toyota has been the leader of producing least-harming automobiles of the world. RAV4 EV and Toyota Prius would be the best examples of it. According to Figure 1, Toyota has three models for Prius PHV: the 12-year model, the 17-year model, and the 15-year model. Comparing the Prius PHV 12-year model and 17-year model, it has decreased its emission of carbon dioxide from around 5.9 to 1.2 from using gasoline. The Prius PHV 17-year model has decreased 21% of carbon dioxide emission and if the electricity energy is renewable, then 77% of carbon dioxide emission of electricity usage while driving will be decreased! Not only has Toyota manage to improve carbon dioxide emission from driving using different kinds of energy, they have also managed to improve the use of materials and so on. According to Figure 2, Prius PHV 17-year model has decreased 5% of carbon dioxide emission in ‘Maintenance’ and ‘Disposal’ than the Prius PHV 12-year model. Moreover, if the electricity is renewable, then the amount of carbon dioxide that will be emitted to the air will decreased to 36%! This proves Toyota is actually caring about the world and the people that are consuming the

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