What Is The Green Light In The Great Gatsby

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The Green Light and the Great Gatsby ‘Wild parties, exquisite cocktails, fabulous wealth, raging jealousy and spectacular deaths’ reads the rear cover of the great American masterpiece, the Great Gatsby. With this book F. Scott Fitzgerald offers up critique on several themes such as love, betrayal, society and class, wealth and above all the American dream and the American which are intertwined with each other: ‘The American dream is that public fantasy which constitutes America’s identity as a nation’. This fantasy symbolizes the material and social values of the American society. Jay Gatsby who lends his name to this book represents the American dream, a dream that envisages a life of success and happiness for every American subject as long as they work for it. With the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers dreamed of a utopia where everyone can attain fame, fortune, success,…show more content…
However, the society in the Great Gatsby turns out different than the covetable identity which is basically Gatsby, the embodiment of the American dream. This difference of the characters, Gatsby and others such as Tom and Daisy Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson and so on, results from the idea of the corrupted American dream. Instead of being wealthy and happy subjects of the dream like Gatsby, they are wealthy miserable and constitute a typical American identity that cannot go beyond the material world. Fitzgerald, therefore, scrutinizes the lives of the typical Americans and argues that American dream cannot be achieved since greed make them blind, and want more and more. On this paper, by focusing on the idea of the American dream and its dependents such as race, ethnicity, social order and culture, the American identity undergoes a continuum of change, even though the characters try to conserve the
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