Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Research Paper

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The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is located on the island of Hawaii. It was set up in 1916, the park was originally made to protect and study the volcanic features of the Mauna Loa and Kilauea. The Mauna Loa is the largest freestanding mountain in the world and the last time this massive volcano erupted was in 1984. The Kilauea is among some of the most active volcanoes in the whole world and has been erupting since 1983. Many hundreds of lava tubes, caves, steam vents and sea arches are found in this park, as well as some active calderas and craters. Most of the stunning and natural features of this park are accessible by trails that offer amazing views. Every year up to 1.6 million people come to this massive 333,000-acre park to see for themselves some of these amazing volcanoes and other natural features of the park. This park is also used as an international biosphere reserve and a world heritage site. This park saves the connection of natural history of the area and the Native culture and life.…show more content…
His efforts did not have any effect until 1912, when Dr. Thomas A. Jagger joined him. Jagger originally came to this island to establish and serve as a direction of the volcano observatory. But these two promoted the idea of making this area into national park. And on August 1st, 1916, the president at the time, Woodrow Wilson signed the country’s 13th national park into existence.it took 10 years but all the effort and work of Thurston and Jagger had paid off.in the beginning the park only had the summits of the Mauna Loa and the Kilauea. But later Kilauea Caldera was added to the park, and then later the forests of Mauna Loa, the Ka’u desert, rain forest of Ola’a and the area of Puna and Ka’u historic district followed

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