What Is The Difference Between The Legislative Branch And The Executive

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The battle of supremacy between the executive and the legislative branch is many years old. The legislature is empowered by the constitution to make all the laws of the land. It is comprised of the House of Representative and the Senate. Apart from drafting and discussing the laws of the land, Congress have many other roles to play which includes approving treaties and impeaching corrupt federal officials. It can also regulate the spending of the federal government and declare war. The executive on the other hand is made up of the president, the vice president, all federal agencies and the cabinet. As compared with the legislature, the work of the executive is to carry out laws passed by the legislature. The emerging issue in this case is, which one between the executive and the legislative government is more powerful. The executive have great powers than the legislative branch. One of the major reason to substantiate this reasoning is the fact that the legislature must have the approval from the executive before making an effect in their conducts. All the…show more content…
Under this function, the legislature work as the watchdogs of the citizens (NCSL, 2014). The citizens expects good governance when they elect their representatives to oversee how their taxes are spent by the federal government. Even though this is one of the major factors that makes the legislative powerful, it has no major powers apart from making laws and overseeing the performance of the government officials. The executive on the other hand, led by the president, have many other roles to play apart from effecting the laws made by the legislature. The president is the head of the country and has the mandate to declare war and is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces (Wathem, 1991). This means that the navy and the army are all under the power of the executive and acts under the direction of the

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