Black Cat Insanity

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Have you ever thought about how easy it is to kill someone? Sometimes all it takes is to give someone a little push, maybe in front of a train or over an edge. However you will not actually do it and that is what keeps you sane. Even so, it is crazy how a diminutive action can instantly make you insane. This indicates that there is only a thin line between sanity and insanity and ones you have crossed that line there is no going back, which is exactly what Edgar Allan Poe is trying to convey to the readers in his short story “The Black Cat”. “The Black Cat” tells about Mr. Groper, who is also the narrator of the story, and his cat named Pluto. The narrator later on becomes insane and commences to become aggressive simultaneously as he obtains…show more content…
This leads him to one day lose control due to the alcoholism and cut out one of his cat Pluto’s eye because he fancied that the cat ignored him. After sobering up, he feels an ounce of guilt in the present moment but despite that he returns to drinking and obtains more provoked. The narrator keeps attempting to persuade us that he is in fact sane by blaming the crime on the cat as well as on the alcoholism, but on the contrary there is only himself to blame. He was the reason for his alcohol problems and for letting the bad person inside of him take control due to his compulsive thoughts, which made him develop into this aggressive and insane…show more content…
Subsequently he decided to attack Pluto once again by hanging him from a tree. Although he cried and felt repentance while committing the murder, he was aware of his actions and that he committing a murder on an animal that loved him. The reasons for his actions were as he said in the story: “[I] hung it because I knew that in so doing I was committing a sin- a deadly sin [---]”. This example shows that the narrator was conscious about his behavior, yet he chose to kill his cat even though he knew it was amiss. He knew his actions were defective as well as adverse and therefore was performing a deadly sin, which was his intention all along. This verifies that the dark person inside of him had taken over because clearly no sane person would do
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