What Is Lady Macbeth Evil

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“Not in the legions of horrid hell can come a devil more damned in evils to top Macbeth” (Shakespeare 156). The way Macbeth was described clearly portrays the evil character he had developed into. Macbeth, as a result of his destructive nature that was brought out of him by the witches, had turned into a creature worse than the devil. Man has a nature that is destructive because of their endless desires for power and material gain. In most cases, they would do anything to fulfill their desires. “There’s daggers in men’s smiles” (Shakespeare 86). The quote portrays that within a every man is a destructive nature that is hidden by other layers. Mankind’s ever so fatal and dark nature can lead to their own destruction without them being aware…show more content…
“It will have blood; they say, blood will have blood” (Shakespeare 122). Shakespeare makes it clear to his audience that what goes around, comes around. The author uses blood to symbolize the consequences for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because they are deadly. In a literal sense, the effects are deadly because as a result of it Lady Macbeth takes her own life and Macbeth is killed. Since Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had unjustly murdered the loved King Duncan, they will receive heavy and deadly consequences. Shakespeare implemented this significant factor of the murdering of a king unjustly to show what happens to one that tries to seek political power in an unfair manner. This could’ve made Shakespeare's audiences fearful and horrified of overthrowing their King. In addition, Shakespeare showed that unjust political power is sought as a result of man’s destructive nature. Therefore, Shakespeare had broke social differences between the genders in his play by having Lady Macbeth desire so much power, which in turn made her the driving force behind her husband’s evil…show more content…
“Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here; and fill me, from the crown to the toe, topful of direst cruelty; make thick my blood…” (Shakespeare 49). Lady Macbeth, a female character, asks for masculinity through the thickening of her blood. In addition, Lady Macbeth asks to be topful in direst cruelty. Through this, Shakespeare shows how evil the nature of a man is because Lady Macbeth is asking masculine traits. Furthermore, Lady Macbeth was seen as a commanding force behind her husband. “But screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we’ll not fail” (Shakespeare 69) During that era, Men usually were head of their households and were the commander in chief. To a see female control her husband was uncommon at the time. As Lady Macbeth’s desire for power exploded, her femininity began to dwindle and she took up the job of commanding her husband. Shakespeare shows the opposite accustomed social norms at the time to show that Lady Macbeth’s masculinity and desire for power had led her and her husband to their own

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