Macbeth Evil Relationships

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When evil things are done, nothing good can come from it. Successful relationships are founded on honesty, righteousness, and love- not secrecy, manipulation, and evil acts. In The Tragedy of Macbeth, the author William Shakespeare uses the relationship of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to present the idea that evil can separate and destroy even the strongest and most affectionate of relationships. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in the beginning are portrayed as having a strong and loving relationship. It is evident to see that Macbeth dotes on his wife and trusts her dearly. For example, Macbeth writes to Lady Macbeth after hearing the witches’ prophesies about his future and calls her his, “dearest partner of greatness” (Mac. 1. 5. 10). The Macbeths’…show more content…
Author, Robert Munro, of “Lady Macbeth: A Physiological Sketch,” states that, ‘his [Macbeths] ambition was already hers,’ meaning that they were both on the same level and had the same ambition, which shows that they were connected and in love. However, instead of staying in love, at the end of the play the Macbeth’s got so caught up in evil ambition and selfish desires, they were not on the same level anymore and lost the love and passion they once shared because of evil. Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth in to committing the act of treason of murdering his King, so that after they both are fulfilled in getting what they want. William Maginn’s, author of the journal, “Lady Macbeth,” explains that Lady Macbeth wanted to please her husband and only manipulated ‘to minister to his hopes and aspirations’ . Macbeth’s aspirations are fulfilled by him becoming king and gaining more power. Maginn’s also states that the reason that Lady Macbeth manipulated, convinced and created the plan for her husband to murder Duncan was only because it was her duty as a loving wife ‘to spirt him to the task’ . Both Biggins and and Maginn’s explain that Lady Macbeth was very affectionate to her husband and only encouraged him to follow through with his evil deed to make him happier, which in turn, would make him love…show more content…
They have both drifted apart and stead of being two souls as one, they have separated and have become two identities again. The consequences of the murders and evil deeds of the Macbeth’s have slowly caught up to Lady Macbeth. The guilt that has built inside Lady Macbeth causes her to walk in her sleep and preform strange acts, such as pretending to wash the imaginary blood off of her hands. The doctor that comes to see Lady Macbeth to help her tells Macbeth that his wife is sick. Because of Macbeth’s harsh response of, “Cure her of that (Mac. 5. 3. 38-40), to the doctor, it can be inferred that Macbeth no longer has time to think about his with as he is too consumed
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