What Does Ethical Decision Making Mean To Me

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1) What does ethical decision making mean to me? Ethical decision-making means how we conduct ourselves. It varies from person to person depending on what we believe to be morally right. 2) Some of the organizations mentioned in the article advocate against most advertising geared toward children. (See e.g., Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood). Whose responsibility is it to monitor/regulate the influence of advertising on children? Parents? Corporations? Government? Please support your opinions with examples or information from your text. I feel that advertising to children is ethically wrong in my opinion because children are easily influenced. Advertising to children is under attack because it is perceived as “making kids want what they don’t need” (The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business, 2014) and puts pressure on parents to respond to those needs. I feel that it is ultimately up to the parents to regulate what and how much their children read and watch. Government is equally responsible to regulate corporations’ advertising practices. Corporations know that children represent an important demographic because they have individual purchasing power, are future adult consumes and can influence…show more content…
During early childhood development the foundation is laid for future social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. During this formative period, young children are particularly vulnerable to negative influences. In most instances, children have no control over the environmental messages they receive and up to the age of seven or eight, children have great difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality, and their ability to comprehend nuances of behavior, motivation, or moral complexity is limited. Parents are ultimately responsible for monitoring their children’s viewing habits, but parents need assistance in protecting their children from unhealthy exposure to violence. (Beresin,

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