Kantian, Deontological, And Absolutism

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As human beings before we make a decision there are a lot of things we consider, things like the consequences that they produce, how it benefits us and also how it benefits the people around us. We also ask ourselves if it is the right decision and how they impact the people around us. Those things that we have to consider before making our decisions are the rules and principles that guide us when we choose between right and wrong. The area of knowledge that this applies to is ethics, which are the moral principles or codes that govern a person or a group of people’s behaviors, there are different types ethical views. Kantian, Deontological, and absolutism, all these ethical views are similar and fall under the same category. Then we have…show more content…
According to Kant “To be a person is to have a status and worth that is unlike that of any other kind of being: it is to be an end in itself with dignity.” (Kant’s Account of Respect for Persons). This tells us that people are special unlike no other and are more important all the time, and by describing them as “an end in itself”, tells people that humans or people are beings that are of value and of worth, not valuable n the sense of desire and affection but their value and worth are inherited and intrinsic to them. It also tells us not to take any human for granted and not to use any human being as a means to an end but as an “end” themselves. This pushes us to think about other people’s goals and feelings; we have to give everyone the exact same amount of respect. It also pushed us not to use people just for their usefulness, because people have their own goals and dreams that must be respected, we must respect the independence of other people to achieve their own goals and their own purposes. Right and wrong according to Kant are based on whether or not we respect human beings, according to Kant morally right actions are “thus those that express respect for persons as ends in themselves”, (Kant’s Account of Respect for Persons). While actions that are morally wrong are “those that express disrespect or contempt for persons by not valuing them as ends in themselves”, (Kant’s Account of Respect for

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