What Does America Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby is a novel that shows many views of the Modernist era, In fact it is, more specifically an example of making things new. Near the middle of the novel on page 98, we learn of the true history of James Gatz, a North Dakota native with a big dream and, unfortunately, little money. Until one day a man by the name of Dan Cody came into his life as an oyster picker. James transforms over the next five years to a man by the name of Jay Gatsby, a picture of the rich (Fitzgerald 100). This new image of himself is the very embodiment of “make it new”. In fact, one could argue he represents most of the classic gangsters like John Gotti, who being born in a middle to lower class family, worked his way up the foodchain like Gatsby did (Mustain 4). This recreation of his self image is also seen in Nick, as he tries to become accustomed to his cousin’s…show more content…
Gatsby’s “parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people” a past he wouldn’t want anyone finding out, especially after he built this luxurious lifestyle to impress Daisy (Fitzgerald 98). He, despite being an American success story, is very troubled with his past, because of this he let rumors of his past flourish. Wouldn’t one rather be thought a dangerous and exciting in a former life, than rather, a farm boy? Even Dyson says how Gatsby is rich, and does nothing to stop the rumors, such as paying people off, which he could definitely do (Dyson 64). Some may say how he might not be troubled with his past, as he takes no steps to conceal it, but he did; he stated how he was and Oxford man, yet he only went for a few months, got a picture taken, then left , just to help prove his story. He even states that his entire family is and Oxford family, which is a lie in itself. However, Gatsby isn’t the only guilty one, Tom Buchanan, the rich, uber-rich, husband of Daisy. His very style breaks many of the morals that are set in the place by the teachings of a child's
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