What Are The Consequences Of The French And Indian War

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The French and Indian War was fought beginning in 1754 and it ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The Great Lakes as well as the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers were lands that were claimed by Virginians, Pennsylvanians, the French, and the Indians. The French set up trading posts in those territories. The British king had granted the colonials land from coast to coast in the original English charters. Because the land around the East Coast was filling up, the English began to move west. During the migrations, the Indian hunting grounds were disappearing as the white men moved in. The Indians were ready to fight in order to save their lands. The Indians and the French had a good alliance as well as how to fight in the wilderness. “On May 28, 1754, English and Indian forces killed 10 French soldiers, including their leader, Coulon de Jumonville. In the following weeks, while Washington parleyed with the Lenape and Shawnee, who refused to join him, his militia built the realistically named but ill-constructed Fort Necessity. There, on July 3, Washington's militia of about 150 men was attacked by 900 French and Indians. After nine hours, Washington surrendered Fort Necessity in what turned out to be the first battle of the French and Indian War.” When British prime minister, William Pitt came into power, the War turned around in favor for the British. Pitt paid colonial assemblies to raise and equip provincial soldiers, as well as attack…show more content…
They hotly debated including an explicit statement admitting Parliament's role in legislating external affairs in their petition but decided not to do so. The congress also did not advocate any overt resistance to the law. While neither too radical nor too conservative, the Stamp Act Congress represented an important early effort at inter-colonial

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