Wealth In The Great Gatsby

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While reading the novel The Great Gatsby the reader can infer that it is a story a man and woman fighting for the love that no one agrees with. Jay Gatsby a man who’s always wanted to be rich and has finally became rich. Jay maintains this motivation to acquire fortune is his lover Daisy Buchanan, to impress her. His reason to sway her with wealth is greatly expressed in chapter 7 pages 20 “Her voice is full of money.” He had met her as a former military leader. He immediately had fallen in love with her vibrant ambience of extravagance and beauty. Daisy Buchanan, the woman whom he is deeply in love with, was a young woman in Kentucky. She too had fallen in love with Jay and promised him she’d wait. But, Daisy’s desperate need to be loved compromised her patience with Jay and ends up getting married with a wealthy younger man Tom. This betrayal is the main conflict in the novel. Jay has gathered a broad wealth in order to…show more content…
The conflict between the vulgar rich and the less irresponsible rich illustrates itself in the novel’s figurative geography; West Egg being the self-made rich people, and East Egg the established aristocrat society of Long Island. Gatsby’s prosperity and Meyer Wolfsheim represent the growth of bootlegging, due to the prohibition at the time, and organized crime. The main plotline of The Great Gatsby mirrors this judgment, as Gatsby’s dream of loving Daisy, Nick’s cousin, is wrecked by the difference in their various social prominences, he resorts to more crime to generate copious amounts of wealth to impress Daisy, and the flagrant materialism that defines her style of living, Daisy cries “What’ll we do with ourselves this afternoon?” “and the day after that, and the next thirty years? Don’t be morbid,” her friend Jordan said. Daisy, even though she lives her life with ease and elegance, visualizes life as an eternal round of
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