Water Management Assignment

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Technical Report Writing Assignment Team no: 3 TOPIC: WATER MANAGEMENT AT BITS-PILANI HYDERABAD CAMPUS Team members: 1.Guntereddi Nikhil 2. Kushankur Dutta 3. Kedar Shaurabh Jaysing 4. Aditya Narayan 5. MD. Shahzaib Faizan 6. Miriyala Sai Teja 7. Dvivedi Rohan Vipulkumar 8. Patel Dhairya Kaushikkumar 9. Sreyes Shah 10. Harshit Agarwal 11. Amasha Das. Executive Summary The aim of this assignment is to analyse the present water management system at BITS PILANI Hyderabad campus and to suggest ways to improve the water management system at…show more content…
This tank is provided with a filtration unit in order to obtain water quality suitable for daily utilization. Each tank will be linked to overhead tanks via pumps. The tanks will be working on a dual system of supply utilizing the available rainwater at first and switching over to main supply in case of non-availability of rainwater. This tank will be utilized only for bathing and washing on a dual system of supply in case of non-availability of rainwater. This tank will be utilized only for bathing and washing purposes therefore only a basic filtration and treatment system will be…show more content…
According to departmental survey, total rain water harvesting potential for various ground surfaces on our campus: 173.4 million liters (for non-paved areas) + 34.3million liters (paved ground surfaces) = 207.7 million liters Thereby, following proper methodology to capture the surface runoff we can transfer about 207.7 million liters of rain water to our ground water reserves by transferring it to bore-wells existing in campus and also by constructing percolation pits and ditches at various low lying places in the campus. Recharging ground water by this methodology will not only help in augmenting ground water levels but this will also improve the quality of ground water. 6 CONCLUSION: This data was collected from BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus located in Ranga district of Andhra Pradesh, India. This data collected and the report elucidates the fact that the present state of water resources in BITS Campus and various ways of water

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