How Successful Was Prohibition In The Early 1900's

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During the early 1900's, a vast increase of alcohol consumption began to emerge in America. Children of nearly 15 years of age consumed an average of 7 gallons of pure alcohol a year, while alcohol abuse (mainly in men) catapulted, having effect on the lives of many. Protestant churches advised moderation, then attempted to persuade boozers to help each other withstand alcoholic desires. Subsequently the demand upon local, state, and national governments were called out on, to prohibit alcohol entirely. The purpose of Prohibition was to eliminate alcohol, essentially decreasing the rates of corruption, crime, domestic abuse, and poverty. Overall, was Prohibition actually successful? My thoughts are no. Prohibition did not change the consumption rate of drinking, but really the way people drank. It drove drinking underground to speakeasies, establishments which illegally sold alcoholic beverages. Though people were presented…show more content…
It led to the frequent utilization of hazardous concoctions, containing deadly lead compounds, embalming fluid – a mixture of chemicals used to preserve dead bodies, creosote – oil extracted from coal tar and used to protect wood, toxic methyl alcohol, and various other critically dangerous substances. An innumerable chunk of people fell ill, experiencing immobilization, loss of sight, and death from illegitimately made alcohol. Upon the implementation of Prohibition, previous crime rate assurances were also contradicted. Prohibition did not reduce crime rate as formerly anticipated, it instead triggered the evolution of organized crime. Supplying a public demand for illegal contraband, was a crime that paid very well – some people even viewed Prohibition as a business. Revenue received by such supplier was untaxed, one man was recorded to have earned 60 million untaxed dollars each year, which broke the ground for corruption of total authoritative

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