Virtue In The Good Engineer

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The meaning behind virtue could be different depending on what field you relate it to. As many theorists describe virtue to be, it could be compared to a disposition, which describes one ability to transform their behavior or character into a different way based on the situation presented. For an engineer, virtue could be applied in every scope of their career. As stated in The Good Engineer, honesty, courage, compassion, and gratitude are the four virtues that create the internal motivation and ultimately establish the commitment an engineer has to their career. Understanding these four principles and how they could be applied in one's professional or academic career, will allow for a better understanding of Aristotle's theory. In philosophy, the concept of eudaimonia translates to the representation of the good life. Achieving eudaimonia is done by creating friendships in one's community and having relationships with others because the environment one lives in will ultimately aid in their character development. Aristotle's definition of Eudaimonia or happiness is a rational activity, not an emotion or state,…show more content…
Virtues of thought are traits learned through teaching, personal experience, and time. Intellectual virtues are traits that make a person excellent. However, traits such as having perfect hearing or being great at computer programming, although great, are not what makes one virtues. For instance, being intellectually courageous such as being open to receiving positive criticism for your own benefit is a good example of being intellectually virtues. On the other hand, virtues of character are learned through repletion of actions until they become a habit. Acting courageously in every action one takes will eventually turn into a habit that would just be a normal thing to do. This action is a simple example of virtues of

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