Parental Attitudes In Cyber Bullying

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In this era of globalization, the increase use of information and communication technologies have brought a revolutionary change, in both positive and negative way, to adolescent’s social life. Internet revolution provides an effortless medium for people to communicate, making it no longer limited by time and place. However, it also carries a negative issue, which we know as Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is a harassment done by someone to disturb other person’s life through a digital medium. In this era, many social platforms, such as email, facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat, and path, provide a medium for cyber bullying actors to harass their victims. Cyber bullying actors, who can be individuals or in groups, use internet or other communication…show more content…
Age and parental attitudes are variables that play roles in cyber bullying experiences. Age is a significant factor that is believed to affect cyber bullying actions of individuals, however it is not significantly related to cyber victimization (Baker& Tanrikulu, 2010). Parent’s attitudes toward their children affect their personality. Since family is the place where the children’s physical, social, and psychological needs are satisfied and where their personalities develop, so it is believed that whatever attitudes that parents show to their children will play role in affecting their children behavior, in this case also cyber bullying behavior. Just like other critical issues that have its own bad effect, cyber bullying gives a negative outcome to the psychology of the victims. They express emotions such as anger, sadness, frustration, shame, stress, fear, loneliness, and depression (Beran & Li, 2007). This paper discuss how age and parents attitude related to cyber bullying experience (as a victim and bully) and emphasize the physiological outcomes of cyber bullying when someone is subjected to cyber…show more content…
Cyber bullying does involve individuals in any range of age, but the number decreases, as the individuals get older. This can be correlated with the development of an emotional stability in the early stage of adulthood. Individuals have more control towards their moral emotions and also become aware of other’s people feeling, which makes them act cautiously. As entering independence in life, adults have more responsibilities in life, which unconsciously put them in a condition far from such a negative harmful act of cyber bullying. In other words, there are many other important things to deal with rather than sending hostile message to someone. Moreover, the development of self-identity in later adolescence makes them able to cope with social changes around them, resulting in a lesser involvement on cyber bullying actions when compared to teenagers. However, Baker and Tanrikulu (2010) found that there is no significant interaction between age and cyber bullying victimization. To put it simply, no matter how old people are, they have the same potential to be a cyber bullying

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