Vendor A

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The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufactures printed circuit boards for companies that make computers, telecommunication devices and other high-tech equipment (Milosevic, Patanakul, & Srivannaboon, 2010). In order to properly identify the vendor to complete this project and everything moving forward requires extensive research. The Printed Circuit Board compiled together a team to complete this assessment in order to effectively distinguish which vendor would meet their organization needs. The vendors A and B are supplier of the phototooling films and chemicals. Recently updates material change with Vendor A is about to be implemented and Vendor B product is unknown to the PCB organization. The company plans to use either vendor whom after the comparison assessment matches PCB needs for vendor products and overall price. Some of major external areas; which could delay the production for this new product transition. For example, either Vendor A or B might have delays because their products might have some unforescreen reason. Some potential delays could…show more content…
When presenting activity list to upper leadership it requires to breakdown through parts and accurate time plots (Sirkin, Keenan, & Jackson, 2005). The PCB supplied activity list omits major parts of the process and backup procedures. The activity list for the comparison of products could have been properly graph in different format or more elaborate process breakdown. The activity list was not the best method of medium to present information to upper leadership. The best methods would to use graph or overall summary chart to present to upper leadership (Sirkin, Keenan, & Jackson, 2005). This type of medium would accurately indication the goals and methods to reach each goal in more comprehensive

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