Essay On Street Vendors

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What consequences do street vendors have on restaurants and retail stores operating on the same street block? Los Angeles is one of the cities known for constant innovation where new services and products are created and later sold around the world and locally. However, a number of the commercial activities are transacted in streets and in the shadows because the municipal of the city prohibits the sale of goods or foods on the sidewalks. According to the Bureau of Street Services, street vending in Los Angeles is a $504 million industry. According to Los Angeles Employment and Wages quarterly census, there are more than 15,700 food and retail related establishments. Street vending has effects on the local economy. The street vendors have a…show more content…
The attraction is essential in creating a place that is dynamic and vibrant. However, this may increase the level of crime in areas where there is vending. The public fear that street vendors are targets for crimes because of the cash in hand. Vendors and neighboring stores become victims of crime. Offenses such as rape and homicide are largely associated with sidewalks in cities (Liu et al.16). However, legalizing the vendors would reduce criminal activities in the streets they operate in. However, it is only when sidewalks are made public spaces that cities become friendly. Street sellers watch over the streets and this improves the safety for the public using them and those living in the neighborhood. People will feel safe in busy streets at night compared to empty ones (Liu et al.17). The presence of neighborly and purposeful merchants in the streets leads to less occurrences of crime. The presence of the merchants reduces anonymity conditions and this increases stability in the neighborhood and economic viability for different communities. Therefore, street vending has both negative and positive impacts on the level of crime in the

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