Traffic Pollution

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There has been lots of issues our city is facing yet, the most menacing is the issue on traffic management. Regarding this, a code was passed and approved by Mayor Oscar Moreno, City Ordinance 10551-2007 or commonly known as the Operation Hapsay Dalan. This was spearheaded by former CEPALCO Vice President Atty. Jose Edgardo “Egay” Uy in partnership with the police, Task Force Hapsay Dalan and the Roads and Traffic Administration. The operation focuses on solving the traffic issues on pedestrians within the city. This ordinance has been implemented and initially started in some parts of the city two years ago mainly in Divisoria along with the removal of the weekly night café to which, Palasan, a writer from sunstar newspaper said, it was one weekend when Divisoria did not reek with urine”, and with Divisoria always smelling like urine, this is saying something. Apart from this, Included in the city ordinance are rules, such as, the prohibition to cross roads not using the pedestrian lanes, for the residents to ride in yellow boxes only, for cars to park only in white boxes/stripes to which failure to follow the rule on parking is subject to punishment. In addition to these rules, are the prohibition of trisikads in some…show more content…
When the Hapsay Dalan team is away, they go back. They need to earn. The mayor must attend to this immediately because many would go hungry,” Pagayaman added. Besides Pagayaman, a member of the council, city’s very own Councilor Dacer raised his opinion as well as he told in Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro, “Whenever I buy fresh food in the market, some vendors would come up to me and complain about how they feel whenever these (RTA) officers would confiscate their belongings and

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