Unit 326

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Assignment 326: Understanding the communication process in the workplace Understand the nature and importance of the communication process in the workplace Workplace communication is extremely important as it allows an organisation to be productive and operate more effectively. Good communication will almost certainly increase staff output and there is a proven link that a workforce that receives a better level of communication will be more productive. Effective communication plays a key role in developing long lasting employee motivation and improved relationships between its managers and staff. Employers that develop good channels of communication will build stronger levels of trust amongst their employees which in turn will lead to increases in productivity and output.…show more content…
• Written messages also allow the recipient more time to digest and review a message. This is particular useful when sharing important facts and figures. Disadvantages of written methods of communication: • Feedback to written messages isn’t as instant as oral communication • Written messages are more time consuming and take more time to prepare in most cases. • If a written message is not well constructed the tone of the message can be misread. Advantages of oral methods of communication: • It’s easy and simple and saves time and often money • The message is instant. • It allows feedback on the spot so if the receiver is not 100 percent sure what the message meant, then this can be checked there and then. • It can bring personal warmth and friendliness and develops a sense of who the other person is. Disadvantages of oral methods of communication: • The receiver might understand the message differently. • Responses on the spot might not be carefully thought of. • A different meaning might be conveyed by manner of speaking, tone of voice and facial expressions. Influence of non-verbal communication on oral

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