Organizational Learning Process

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Learning and development takes various forms and shapes in the learning process in organizations. To best understand these processes and how they can be tapped for the benefit of an organization and also at a personal level, this analytic paper serves to understand the various concepts and processes of leaning that have been postulated by researchers. A learning organization is an organization that strives to continually ensure training and dissemination of information and knowledge to its employees. This is an organization that is able up change dynamically with time and to adapt to the various changes in the environment that they operate in. They ensure that they monitor their internal progress keenly and also take notes of the changes in…show more content…
This calls for the need of the concept of a learning organization to ensure that all these forms of interaction are mostly geared towards gaining some form of competency at work. Organizational learning is the channel through which knowledge is disseminated within an organization. A learning organization on the other hand looks at the broader picture by not only looking within the organization but also without. The framework of a learning organization ensures the thriving of the culture of people learning things amongst themselves and thus improves an organizations…show more content…
It encourages the evaluation of mastery based on verbal explanation, competence in execution, structured line of thought and the ability to coordinate mind and action in performing a task. Understanding the stages of learning helps managers to be able to determine the level of competence that their subordinates are a particular point in time. By doing that they are able to gauge whether a concept has been understood and they can move on to the next line of training or whether further training is required to be able to achieve the mastery that is required to perform a task. Continuous assessment and amendments to the learning process ensures that at the end of the training the employees come out with a high level of task mastery that in turn enhances the efficiency of an organization. The Memletic process of learning works best for me. This is due to the well-organized structure of leaning and self-assessment that is encouraged by the Memletic process. It involves locating, exploring, arranging, reinforcing and enquiring all through the stages of learning. The advantages of Memletic learning are that it encourages self-evaluation at each stage of learning. It also ensures that in the arranging stage the learner is able to categorize the information they need in terms of how important they are to the leaning process. In
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