Singapore Overpopulation Case Study

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Can Singapore’s small land area deal with a Growing Population Singapore is an economic giant, being apart of Southeast Asia’s most modern city. Infusing a mixture of blends of Malay, Chinese, Indian and English cultures. Having no need for car, as public transportation is taken care by accessible tour bus or their infamous taxi service. Not to mention, that it’s combination of Western to Eastern-style is greatly admired by the Asian community of the world, known as the ‘city-state of urbanization success’. However, Khoo Teng Chye (current executive Director for the Centre of Liveable Cities, Ministry of National Development, Singapore) quotes that the, “biggest urban issue facing Singapore is its land constraint” in which it accompanies to…show more content…
As surprisingly enough, Singapore in the 1960s was cursed with high unemployment and overcrowded city center and a shortage of adequate infrastructure/housing. Seeing as the overcrowded aspect has come back into play, the government now worries that unemployment will come next. Some would say that the singular way to understand why is the explore the common roots to the effects of the occurrence of overpopulation, then in relating to Singapore’s MEDC demands. Seeing as the population tally’s to 5.7 million inhabitants, there must be a reason behind it…. with birth control being viewed as culturally taboo, a woman’s role is considered to be that of a child-bearer of which larger families are of the norm. Due to this, birth rate in HDI records has raised with the advancement in medicine as well, due to fertility treatments developed and exchanged between Singapore and its neighbors. Furthermore, immigration is a problem on it’s own. An example would be that if the rates of emigration do not match with immigration then by effect the population density would therefore increase as the area becomes more heavily populated (and by that, the scarcity of resources occurs that then leads to uneven distribution of natural resources, which may result then in government corruption). However, one cannot completely blame migration, as it affects the population figure of Singapore, but it can qualify as localized overpopulation. In terms of the social impacts, the City Council’s ideas of building downwards (underground city) is receiving a majority of negative responses– “Going underground is one option for Singapore as it frees up surface land, but that does not mean we want it for our lifestyle,” said David Tan, assistant chief executive officer of Jurong Town Corporation, Singapore’s main development body. Not to mention that the space squeeze has

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