Tourism In Pakistan Essay

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Methodology: To determine the impact of tourism expenditure on economic growth of Pakistan I have taken the time series data from 1995 to 2012. Trade was used as an independent variable in the model. For the regression I have used the ordinary least square (OLS) method because all the variable were stationary at level. I took the data of GDP, trade and tourism expenditure from the World Bank website. Dependent variable: • GDP Independent variable • Tourism expenditure • Trade The model is as follows GDP= β0 + β1 tourism expenditure + β2 Trade + µ0 The model explains that the GDP will be determined by the tourism expenditure and trade. Increase in tourism expenditure will lead to increase in GDP as we know that expenditure income identity…show more content…
There is high potential in the tourism industry of Pakistan. If it is provided with its due attention and funds it can do wonders for the country. As indicated in the study that there exist positive relationship between tourism expenditure and economic growth. Promoting the tourism in the country can boast the economy as well. The government can take the following steps to promote the tourism in the country. • To encourage tourism in the country the government must ensure political stability. Changing the government policies again and again will not do any good. Tourist are not sure about the situation in the area • Infrastructure in Pakistan is a great cause of the failure of profitability of tourism sector. There are not proper roads, railway tracks and other transport services so tourist find it difficult to visit different places. The government should invest on infrastructure and transport in the tourist areas to promote the tourism in these areas. • The inability to cope with the natural disaster is also another major reason of decreasing tourist arrivals. After the earthquake of 2005, those areas suffered huge losses but nothing was done to cover their losses and for the reconstruction in those areas. The government should give attention to those areas which were damaged by the

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