Enterprise Rent-A-Car Case Study

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Analysing alternative methods How would enterprise rent-a-car meet their customers’ future expectations? 1. Enterprise can use independent third party to do customer survey, in order to obtain accurate feedback from their customers that reflect their expectations about the future service offered by enterprise. Some of advantages and disadvantages of the first alternative method are illustrated below: Advantages Disadvantages • Knowing weaknesses would be a lot faster and easier. • Extra salary for the company that work on creating and gathering those surveys. • Building a relation with customers. • The enterprise might not have extra roam in the budget in order to pay to that third party. • Help in the process of creating a better service…show more content…
In addition to, getting a competitive advantage faster and easier than before implementing business intelligence due to the new environment in which every single piece of information is accessible about anybody or anything. However, the enterprise might be concerned a lot their competitors due to the valuable information that they have which might cause a setback to the enterprise. Meanwhile, huge companies should not compare themselves to their competitors, cause in doing so a company can only reach the level of the competitor but could never bypass that…show more content…
Enterprise rent-a-car can implement “Lesson learned Program”. This program records all issues the company has faced with their Customers, how it was properly fixed and the best way to avoid repeating these issues. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of this alternative method are illustrated as follows: Advantages Disadvantages • The process of regular problems solving is faster and better. • The process of irregular problem solving would be slow and difficult. • Help Enterprise rent-a-car avoid common problems. Through implementing lesson earned program the enterprise would solve problems or issues recorded in the lesson learned program in a faster and easier way. This process leaves customers satisfied which would enhance customer service. In addition to, most common problems are recorded in the lesson learned program. Besides the fact that lesson learned program would help enterprise avoid most common problems in their service by focusing on solving these problems. On the other hand, employees get used to solving problems according to certain procedures which are listed in the lesson learned program. Meanwhile, when irregular problems occur, it would be more difficult for employees at the enterprise to solve them, besides the fact that it would take much more time than that of regular

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