Torres Strait Islanders

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Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders have a significant interconnection between people, places and environments. Homelands are small to medium sized communities that have been established by Aboriginal peoples moving back to their traditional land in order to maintain their connection with their ancestral land and culture. The term ‘Country’ is often used by Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people to describe their family origins and other parts of Australia, that also relate to people, animals, landforms, plants, air, water and soil. Country is also spoken about as if it a person. Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander peoples have diverse relationships with connections to and understandings of the Australian environment. There are four main categories of benefits that impact indigenous health and wellbeing they are health, culture, environment and economic benefits. The land management programs are communities driven on the homelands that are occupied by Aboriginal peoples. Caring for country focuses on the relationships between indigenous peoples and their country. Which includes their lands, laws, religion, water, plants, ancestors, heritage, animals and culture. In the northern territory, there are over 500 homelands where 30%, approximately 10,000, of the aboriginal populations…show more content…
There are a range of land management programs that enable working on country. Many indigenous organisations regard indigenous land and sea management groups as among the most productive organisations in communities. They are achieving positive environmental, cultural, social, education, health, employment and economic development outcomes. Caring for country and working on country has been linked to a range of benefits that positively impact indigenous peoples health and

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