Similarities Between Aboriginals And Torres Strait Islanders

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About 7000 years ago, people from Melanesia in the Pacific Ocean migrated to islands in the Torres Strait that separates the Australian mainland at Cape York from Papua New Guinea. But you have to remember that Torres Strait Islander people are not the same as Aboriginal people they are completely different. Some topics of discussion today are: what are the differences and similarities between Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, what are the connections between Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, what do Torres Strait islanders do best and where is The Torres Strait Islands. You have to understand that there is a difference between Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders for example they believe in different things and have different cultures. Some differences are that Torres Strait Islanders believe in The Four Winds which is the seasonal cycle governing their lives but Aboriginals believe in Dream time stories. Torres Strait Islanders also believe in social laws and laws for living but Aboriginals believe in Wandjina (creator ancestors) and morals from dream time stories. There are a lot more differences but these were just a few. And as well as differences there are…show more content…
Some things that they would trade with each other were drums, food, ochre, pearl shells, tools, hunting equipment and so on. The main aspect of trade was mostly ochre which was used for paint after been crushed and wet and when it was paint people would use it for body art and decorations. You can see by this that trade was an important factor of living because it helped people get what they didn’t have so they could live. Marriage was not as big as trade but it also helped connect families between Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. Ceremonies were also a big part of connection where Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders would get together and socialize and

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