Tom Robinson Trial

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I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird and I am on pg. 304. In this section, the trial of Tom Robinson occurred. During the trial, evidence pointed away from Tom, but the jury convicted him regardless. Bob Ewell threatened Atticus after the trial. In this journal I will be characterizing and evaluating. Harper Lee characterizes Tom effectively through the way he speaks and acts and how others speak and react to him. The way Tom speaks shows his character excellently. He is very honest in his responses to Atticus and Mr. Gilmer’s questions. His candidness is shown in every word he says. For instance, he admitted to having served 30 days for disorderly conduct. One might have tried to avoid that fact if one found him/herself in that position to…show more content…
The conversation is almost business-like. In addition to being honest, it is obvious he is a very calm person. When he denies having ever stepped onto the Ewell property without invitation, there is no sign of distress. He simply states his answer, without any hint of uncertainty. His actions are described as being generally laid back as well. His forehead relaxed when asked what circumstances he went on the property under. Tom’s actions and words are not the only way his character is enhanced by Lee. Scout has a particular reaction to his claim that he never trespassed on the Ewell property. He says “No suh, Mr. Finch, I never did. I wouldn’t do that, suh” (Lee 257). Consequently, Scout responds with “Tom denied it three times in one breath, but quietly, with no hint of whining in his voice, and I found myself believing him in spite of his protesting too much” (Lee 257). This only reinforces that he is an honest and calm individual. In addition to those traits, Mr. Gilmer makes us realize that Tom has a hint of naivete. He asks questions in an effort to coax something incriminating out of him. Tom eventually confesses that he felt sympathy for Mayella. That kind of statement coming from a…show more content…
Her motivation was simply to cover up the crime she committed. I believe one of her reasons for doing so was that she was afraid of what her father would do if it was found out that he beat her instead of Tom. When Mr. Ewell arrived at the house the night of the crime, he told Mayella “You goddamn whore, I’ll kill ya” (Lee 260). Clearly, Mr. Ewell was angry, enough so to harm her. It is likely he would be even more enraged if he were convicted of the crime in court. Mayella lied to make sure that was not found out. Another motivation might be how easy it would be to cover up. In that time period, it would have been very unlikely to believe a black man over a white woman. The jury was composed of white people, most likely, most of whom were probably racist towards blacks. The court’s reaction to Tom’s feeling bad for Mayella clearly indicated how prejudiced the time was. I believe, despite her motivations, that Mayella is wrong in lying. Tom had done nothing but be kind and generous. By lying, she spat on everything he had done for her. Tom had given her assistance with chores with no expectation of compensation. He had provided companionship for her where there was none. I am disappointed by her choice to disregard it all. Additionally, she would be protected from her father should he be convicted. If she had accused him of beating her, he may have been put in jail,

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