To Kill A Mockingbird In Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Mock A Killing Bird No matter what, always look out for your family. In the book “To Kill A Mockingbird” set in Maycomb county Alabama in the late 1930s, a man named Tom Robinson was convicted of raping a young woman by the name of Mayella Ewell, a crime he did not commit. However, the court sided with Mayella and her father, Bob Ewell, because Tom was a colored man. Now, even though Bob had won the case, he was dissatisfied because Atticus Finch, the defense attorney for the case, had injured Ewell’s pride when he brought to light the fact that Mayella made advances on Tom, and Bob abused his daughter for that, a concept that was in no way foreign to the Ewell house hold. Thus, the next day as Atticus made his way through the town square towards his office, Bob promptly threatened Mr. Finch, spat on his shoe, and strolled away, as red with anger as a…show more content…
Finch’s actions is that his family was put at risk because of his blatant disregard of Bob’s vow. Scout and Jem, Atticus’ two children, were attacked on Halloween night by Ewell, which could have been avoided had Atticus used common sense in stead of ignorance. Alexandra, Mr. Finch’s sister, also could have been affected had Ewell not fallen on his knife. Lastly, Calpurnia, the Finch house hold’s maid, was practically family, and a colored woman at that, so Bob would have more than enough reason to mess with her in any number of ways. And the final reason for Atticus to take precautionary measures is that others could potentially have been victimized by the madman with a knife known as Bob Ewell. Link Deas, as said before, told off Ewell for following Tom’s wife, so there would be probable cause for him to be victimized. And, since the heist of Judge Taylor’s house was unsuccessful, he and his wife could have potentially been in peril. And finally, after going for Atticus’ jugular by attempting to murder his children, Tom Robinson’s three children were in no way
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