Tim O Brien's The Things They Carried

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Tim O’Brien wrote a collection of fictional short stories in his book The Things That They Carried. This collection of short stories deals with a platoon of soldiers in the Vietnam War. Each solider has his own way of dealing with his own experience as a solider in the war. They carried everything with them. “They carried all the emotional baggage of man who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing-there were intangibles had their own mass and spefic gravity, they had tangible weight” (O’Brien’’ thong carried” 20). They feared much but, did not want to admit to being alone and afraid but they were. They all had things on their minds, wanting to make someone proud or themselves. “They were afraid of dying but they were ever more afraid to show…show more content…
Back to a community where nobody seem to care to much about a war they did not even want to happen. Also that no one would want to hear about the war. ‘’If sally had not been married, or if his father was not suvh a baseball fan it would have been a good time to talk” (O’Brien “speaking” 134). Norman just got back from the war, he felt alone without anyone to talk to. He felt like the outcast of it all, nobody seem to understand what was going and they would not understand. His war friends were gone and his sweetheart was married. All he could think about was the war. Hearing a low yelling sound in the flooding small lake “Norman Bowker remembered how he had taken hold of Kiowa's boot and pulled hard, but how the smell was simply too much, and how he'd backed off and in that way had lost the Silver Star” (O’Brien “speaking”147). He felt if he had saved him then he could have gotten the Silver Star because it shows his braveness. To himself he thought that his father and the community would maybe talk to him about being such a hero. “He looked out across the lake and imagined the feel of his tongue against the truth” (O’Brien “speaking” 136). He held the truth on how the war really was. How everything just bottled inside him. He rode in the red Chevy around a town that you could not leave to anywhere interesting. “Speaking of courage was written in 1975 as the…show more content…
It went to a point to where strunk nose was seriously broken. “it was mostly in his head there were no threats,no vows of revenge, just a silent tension between them that made Jensen take special precautions” (O’brien “enemies” 60). He feared that there was no safe ground because he had enemies everywhere he turned. When strunk returned back Dave was overly paranoid. “The man's crazy,' he said. 'I stole his fucking jackknife” (O’Brien “enemies” 61). Strunk was not worried about the situation anymore but then dave broke his own nose to make it equal. Strunk thought he was insane. Though it took such a period of time for them to gain some lack of respect with each other, they were later able to share a fox hole, take turn during night patrol and work together. “Dave and lee did not become instant buddies but they did learn to trust each other.” (O’Brien “Friends” 63). It took time for them to be friendly and feel safe around each other. They were not close that much they were made to make a deal solider to solider. “In late August they made a pact that if one of them should ever get totally fucked up—a wheelchair wound—the other guy would automatically find a way to end it” (O’Brien “friends” 63). It seemed to pretty serious and written up on paper with witness. In October lee strunk steeped on rigged mortor which took off his whole leg. After the contuineus passing out and waking up he
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