Eyewitness Testimonies In Court Cases

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There is an ongoing debate weather eyewitness testimony’s are accurate enough to be presented in the courts. An eyewitness testimony is basically a statement from the person who was present at the scene of the crime. Where eyewitness testimony can help prove defended guilty, however, it can also lead to injustice and can result in false conviction, if the memory is false or misleading. Recent studies have concluded that memory is not always accurate enough to be used in court cases. There are several reasons for this. For example, one is that images in our mind's eye are never as clear as an actual perception. For example, if you try to recall your bedroom, you can get a general image of the location of large and significant objects, their shapes, colors, etc. But the image is not nearly as detailed as what you would see if you were actually viewing the room. Eyewitness testimonies have its advantages and disadvantages. This paper will talk about the issues involved in eyewitness testimonies. Its advantages and disadvantages. Enforcing laws without eyewitness testimonies. Cognitive interview, and its effect on eyewitness testimonies. Last but not least if eyewitness testimonies were to be banned from courts, can our system still run and…show more content…
Sometimes can be a traumatic enough for a person to conclude something that didn’t happened at the situation. For example, if a person have seen a murder and is presented at the court to testify against the defended, it will be hard for the person to recall the information. In an article called, Your Memory Is Unreliable, and Science Could Make It More So, According to the American Bar Association, of the 21 wrongful convictions overturned by the Innocence Project in 2011, 19 involved eyewitness testimony. More than three-quarters of wrongful convictions that are later overturned by DNA evidence were based on eyewitness

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