Tim Burton Research Paper

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Tim Burton has definitely his own unique style. He stands out compared to other filmmakers and certainly has his own style and techniques that you get familiar with after watching several movies of his. In all of his movies, you can see the resemblance in not just the style, but also in how he represents himself in the movie. Of course everything is related to his own life experience, his own imagination and his inspirations. In most of the movies I have seen, there was always a loner who saves the day, machines, dogs or pets. There are always the unrealistic colors and the mysterious shadows and the lightings. Tim burton has a general interest in horror films and that also has an effect which you can see in almost every one of his movies…show more content…
He plays with these ideas and insists on resisting our expectations. And in the end we know that Tim Burton represents himself through one of his characters, reinstating how he grew up and restoring his childhood in a specific neighborhood. Tim Burton’s Charlie and the chocolate factory is perhaps his first children’s movie since Pee Wee’s Big Adventure and it is fair to say that it is one of the most enjoyable movies even for elder people. Just as the movie starts we can recognize Tim Burton’s use of machines and all the technological devices, where we see chocolate bars being produced by them. So the movies spends all more time focusing on who Willy Wonka is, how to be this candy magnet and why he shut his factory doors for 20 years. Will Wonka announces a contest in which five children who win the ticket will be permitted to enter the chocolate factory. Tim Burton is sensational when it comes to weird things and this is a very weird thing where we have Willy Wonka who is already a weird character. So Johnny Depp is cast as Willy Wonka and I think we can all see the perfect casting here. Johnny Depp is really good with these weird characters and he does very well with these

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