Tim Burton Film Techniques

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Tim Burton creates his imagination from a piece of paper to a real-life film up on the screen. This imaginative thinking comes to where a man has scissors as hands, a factory that consists of candy, and a place that is filled with wonder. Director Tim Burton has a type of style in 3 of his films that creates a dark but joyful feel that leaves you with suspicion that you have not yet figured out when watching the films as well as mysteries. This is how he keeps people interested and you want to watch it again and again trying to complete the missing pieces of what one didn’t catch of what is going on during the films. In order for Burton to do these things with the audience by creating the effective emotions he uses lighting, music/sound, and camera movements. This is being used throughout the films to keep it amusing and anxious to see what happens next. To fill the movie with interest and excitement Tim Burton provides each film with oddly presented characters, such as oompa loompas, a man that is too shy to go out of his home that has scissors for hands,…show more content…
There are two types of techniques for music that is used; first is non-diegetic sound/music, which is the type of sound that cannot be heard by the characters in the film, second is diegetic sound,0 the type of sound that could logically be heard by the characters in the film. Tim Burton had used fast paced, lighthearted, and mysterious type of music to set the scenes mood. For example, in the film “Edward Scissorhands”, non-diegetic music was being used close to the end of the movie when Edward is taking his scissor-hands and pushing Jim from the attic of his house to out of the window, the music was intense and amusing. Edward was hurting Jim because before Jim’s death he had been trying to kill Edward, also was hurting Kim to, which is when Edward started to get furious and knew that he had to do the right
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