Three Strikes Law

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Amaan Goundar JS10 Dexheimer November 19, 2014 Three Strikes Law in California Research Paper The three-strikes laws (TSL), also referred to as habitual offender laws, are statutes mandated by state governments in the United States which direct state courts to deliver harsher sentences on repeat offenders who are convicted of three or more serious criminal offenses. The name “three-strikes” law is derived from baseball, in which the batter has two strikes before they are out on the third. These laws were designed to counteract recidivism by repeat offenders through imprisonment. The three strikes law greatly increases the prison sentences of people convicted of a felony who have been convicted of two or more serious crimes in the past, and…show more content…
Crimes considered to be violent or serious are listed specifically within state laws. Violent crimes include any degree of murder, robberies in which a deadly weapon is used, rape, as well as other sex crimes; serious offenses can include violent offenses and other crimes like burglary and assault with the intent to commit a violent crime. The seriousness of the current and previous crimes committed by the offender, the punishment can range from a minimum of twenty-five years imprison to a maximum of life imprisonment with the chance of parole after a specified amount of years. There are currently twenty four states within the United States that have some form of the three-strikes law in place. Someone accused under these laws is often referred to as a prior offender, repeat offender, habitual offender, or in some states a persistent offender. In most state jurisdictions, only felony crimes that have been committed can qualify to be considered a serious offense, although California is a major jurisdiction in which a misdemeanor offense can qualify for punishment under the three-strikes law.…show more content…
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