Those Winter Sundays

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Relationships and Family are the general intro to these two poems. Piano by DH Lawrence is a poem about the power of memory and finally learning the difference between the experience of a childhood and the realities of an adult life. Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden is a poem about the memories of how his father expressed love for him through his actions. In particular, the speaker remembers that his father rose very early on Sunday mornings to stoke the furnace fire.The similarities within these two poems is the family bond. In Piano the young boy also the author had a strong bond with his mother as he would usually sit under the piano as she played songs.In Those Winter Sundays the young boy had a strong bond with his father as he was the only one told to help his dad with anything in the house. The differences between the poems is the mood as in Piano the author is in a joyful,happy mood while in Those Winter Sundays the author is not too happy about having to help out. The two poets are illustrating family and bonding within the literary similarities and differences of the two poems.…show more content…
In the poem Piano by DH Lawrence is a story about a young boy who is sitting under the piano while his mother plays a song. ¨And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she sings.¨ The author is reminiscing on his childhood. This also helps the reader imagine what it would feel like to be in the savadian. Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden is a poem about a boys father who gets overlooked. The boy's father is a hard worker even working on a early Sunday morning when it is freezing cold. ¨Put his clothes on in the blueblack cold.¨ The author is feeling the frigid coldness. This helps the reader feel how his father felt. Imagery is a good way for an author to help readers imagine the story in a better more vivid way than
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